Exploring the Potential of Real-Word Data in Lung Cancer Research

A Multimodal Cohort of Lung Cancer Patients for Clinical Research and RWE Projects
Lung cancer ranks among the most prevalent and fatal cancers worldwide, prompting the need for improved treatment outcomes.
In response, BC Platforms introduces CIAN Lung, a patient cohort initiative focusing on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), an endeavor to leverage clinical and imaging datasets for qualitative and quantitative descriptive analyses, and open new perspectives to enhance the accuracy of predictive and diagnostic computational models.
CIAN —”Cohort Insights Analytics Networks” — provide “ready to use” datasets, tailored to researchers' specific needs.
BC Platforms provides access to the most comprehensive datasets for Lung Cancer Research and Real-World Evidence Projects.
Download Fact Sheet for Insights on:
Cohort features
Treatment features of the cohort
Geographical expansion
Outcomes for companies leveraging the cohort
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